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Communication strategy

When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen.
— Ernest Hemingway

Our philosophy is that when you see the big picture—where you want to go, what you want to achieve, what’s working and what’s not—it’s easier to fill in the details. Strategy first, tactics next. We’ll help you look farther down the path and see how to take your stakeholders on their journeys with you.

We have experience

  • Surveying stakeholders
  • Advising on productive meetings with prospective clients
  • Developing marketing and communications plans
  • Using data to craft client-focused messages

We deliver

  • Strategic communications plans that make sense for your organization
  • Key messages that resonate with your audience
  • Training that enhances your in-house communications capabilities
  • Positive ROI on your communications budget

As a bonus

  • Margaret literally wrote the book on how to develop client relationships, create client-focused proposals and presentations, and keep prospects in sight for future business.
  • If you’d benefit from training the people responsible for communications in your organization, we can help. Margaret co-led the development of a workshop for business writers and provided strategic leadership for writers who managed new business pursuits.

 We help you tell your story.

Contact us to learn more

Pop the champagne!

When a professional services firm was invited to propose on services to an international pharmaceutical company, Margaret led the communications support, working with internal clients on a multifaceted campaign. In collaboration with senior partners and industry and function specialists, she crafted sales messages, based on client needs and expectations; prepared the team for client meetings; and wrote the proposal and coached the team for an oral presentation.

Result: A big win and a long-term relationship for the firm.

Job well done

A national nonprofit organization requested a strategic marketing communications plan as part of a rebranding effort. Margaret took a leading role in analyzing responses to a member survey and developed a long-range plan to increase the organization’s visibility with the media, prospective members, and corporate and foundation donors.

Result: A well-received plan for an organization that had never had one and recognition from the executive director.